ESG or Sustainable Investing is for people looking to align their values with their investments and make a difference for themselves, for their communities, and for the world at large.

Aligning Your Values With Your Finances

We help clients make investments so that bettering the world in which we live in and growing their wealth go hand-in-hand. Part of that is creating well-diversified investment plans to deliver solid risk-adjusted performance by investing in companies with positive performance among environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria.

Investing sustainably and responsibly does not mean sacrificing your own financial success. For example, the transition to a low-carbon economy represents an estimated $50T opportunity1. 195 governments2 and 3,500+ companies3 have already committed to carbon reduction.

Although it can be difficult for individual investors to decipher between which companies do the most good through the ESG criteria used to set them apart, you don’t have to face this alone. ZRC Wealth Management has been involved in ESG investing since way before it was even called values-based investing.

ZRC’s Sustainability Efforts

  • Reduction of fuel emissions and energy use by offering virtual meetings instead of live meetings.
  • Contribution to the sustainability of our forests by providing client data via a web portal rather than paper statements.
  • Use of recycled printer paper for documents we absolutely must print.
  • Giving back to causes such as Redwood Trails Alliance, Youth Homes and the Cancer Support Community San Francisco Bay Area.

ESG Graphic

*Estimated reduction in CO2 of a ZRC Wealth 100% stock portfolio invested in our sustainable / ESG investment model as compared to the MSCI All Country World Index (ACWI). **Emissions reduction and sequestration estimates are derived from the US Environmental Protection Agency Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator using the estimated reduction in CO2 noted above. As with the CO2 estimate, these numbers should be used merely as a rough approximation for illustration purposes and should not be taken as direct measurements or estimates with a high degree of accuracy.
Data updated July 12, 2023

1Source Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), “Mitigation Pathways Compatible with 1.5°C in the Context of Sustainable Development,” in An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming, 2018.
2Source: as of 6/12/22: Climate action tracker
3Source: as of 8/4/22: Science based targets:

Sustainable Investing

If you’re interested in learning more about ESG & Sustainable Investing, download our brochure.